An open letter to our customers

As a valued customer of Rotec Alarms I felt the need to reach out to you during these unprecedented times.

Our intention is to continue to offer as normal a service as possible and keep myself and other engineers available to deal with any issues relating to your security equipment. As long as we are not forced into compulsory isolation we will continue to offer a good service. Our engineers will sanitise their hands regularly and I have instructed them to press any buttons on your keypads with a tool instead of their fingers.

We are obviously facing an extraordinary few months and although we still need to collect our annual maintenance payments we feel that the actual visit to perform a system test should be suspended until this situation has passed. For those customers with online systems (i.e. you have the app on your phone) we can perform a full test of your system remotely and you will receive an email showing various information such as the health of batteries etc.

Our maintenance contract (read it here) is in place to cover your system in the event of any issues and customers with a valid maintenance contract are never charged for the visit of an engineer, day or night. Customers without a maintenance contract are charged for every visit.

Mary will still contact you as normal when your annual maintenance is due and she will arrange for a remote service for those who have systems that accommodate this.

It is essential that we still invoice this maintenance charge if our business is to survive and we can pay our engineers. Despite the offer of guaranteed loans from the government we are still going to find this a very testing time as our installation work comes to a standstill. Our company is in an otherwise healthy position. We have no debt, our vans are paid for and we operate from a home office.

My concern is that we will be forced in to debt and these repayments will become due at a time when there will probably be a significant downturn in demand because everybody will have their own economic problems to deal with.

With your support and understanding through these difficult times I am confident that we can continue to support our staff and survive as a company so that we continue to offer excellent service long after Covid 19 has left us.

Yours sincerely,

Mark Rowe

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